Cum să adăugați propriile Termeni și Condiții în programul dvs de afiliere pe 2Performant
Besides the terms and conditions imposed by 2Performant, you will also be able to add your own Terms of Service. For example, you can inform affiliates whether you allow or reject promoting your products through Google AdWords.
To add your own Terms of Services, from your advertiser account, go to Settings → General → Affiliate Program → Terms of Service: ON and fill in the box with the terms and conditions agreed by you.
!!! Remember: Keep in mind that additional restrictions (restricting AdWords/Facebook) is implemented only with a 30 days notice !!!
NOTE: Mentioning accepted or restricted traffic sources, in affiliate programs should not be added in the description, but the programs' own Terms and Conditions. These restrictions can relate, mainly, to:
- accepting Facebook promotion? Yes/No
- accepting promotion through Facebook Ads? Yes/No
- accepting promotion through Google AdWords? Yes/No
- accepting promotion through e-mail marketing? Yes/No