2Performant Help Center
Go to 2performant.com
For Advertisers
For Advertisers
1. First steps for beginners
2. Costs, payments and invoices
3. Relationship with Affiliates
4. About commissions
5. Improve your affiliate program
6. Means of promotion
7. Promoting Tools
8. Platform functionalities
For Affiliates
1. First steps for beginners
2. First Payment
3. About Commissions
4. Promoting Tools
5. Relationship with Advertisers
6. Means of Promoting
7. Platform Functionalities
8. Payments, bonuses and taxes
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
2. About 2Performant
3. Used terms
4. About Affiliate Marketing
Pentru afiliati
3. Despre comisioane
4. Unelte de promovare
5. Relatia cu advertiserii
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Functionalitati platforma
8. Plati, bonusuri si taxe
Pentru advertiseri
4. Despre comisioane
5. Imbunatatirea programului de afiliere
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Unelte de promovare
8. Functionalitati platforma
Tracking, marketing afiliat si termeni folositi
0. Big Bear
1. Despre sistemul de tracking 2Performant
2. Despre 2Performant
3. Termeni folositi
4. Despre marketingul afiliat
Back to home
2Performant Help Center
For Advertisers
For Advertisers
1. First steps for beginners
2. Costs, payments and invoices
3. Relationship with Affiliates
4. About commissions
5. Improve your affiliate program
6. Means of promotion
7. Promoting Tools
8. Platform functionalities
For Affiliates
1. First steps for beginners
2. First Payment
3. About Commissions
4. Promoting Tools
5. Relationship with Advertisers
6. Means of Promoting
7. Platform Functionalities
8. Payments, bonuses and taxes
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
2. About 2Performant
3. Used terms
4. About Affiliate Marketing
Pentru afiliati
3. Despre comisioane
4. Unelte de promovare
5. Relatia cu advertiserii
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Functionalitati platforma
8. Plati, bonusuri si taxe
Pentru advertiseri
4. Despre comisioane
5. Imbunatatirea programului de afiliere
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Unelte de promovare
8. Functionalitati platforma
Tracking, marketing afiliat si termeni folositi
0. Big Bear
1. Despre sistemul de tracking 2Performant
2. Despre 2Performant
3. Termeni folositi
4. Despre marketingul afiliat
For Advertisers
1. First steps for beginners
What is the tracking code?
What is Approval Time and how can I change it?
What is a Cookie Life and how can I change it?
How do I write a good program description?
How do I set commission in a new affiliate program?
What are the requirements for an advertiser?
Advertisers - Traffic Source Types Preferences
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2. Costs, payments and invoices
What fees do advertisers pay for using the platform?
What are the current pricing plans?
How can I download the invoice for a POST PAID affiliate program?
How can I download the invoice for a PRE PAID affiliate program?
How do I know how much I have to pay for a POST PAID affiliate program?
Changes in Subscription Prices from March 1st, 2023
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3. Relationship with Affiliates
How do I invite an affiliate to my affiliate program?
What are Custom Conditions?
Where do I see which affiliates have Custom Conditions?
How do I grant Custom Conditions to affiliates?
How do I communicate with affiliates? (video)
Why can’t I approve pending affiliates?
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4. About commissions
What types of commissions does 2Performant allow?
How can I pay the commissions for a PRE PAID affiliate program?
How can I pay the commissions for a POST PAID affiliate program?
What statuses can commissions have?
What is a commission and how to change it?
How can I process my commissions in bulk?
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5. Improve your affiliate program
How do I hide site phone numbers for affiliate traffic?
How to edit my account information?
How to add a new Promotion?
How do I change my program's description?
How can I recruit new affiliates?
How can I add my own Terms of Services?
See more
6. Means of promotion
What are Shopping Events?
What are Advertisers’ Promotions?
What is Affiliate Ranking?
On which sites will I be promoted?
7. Promoting Tools
Special product feeds relevant for the promotion
What is a Product Feed and how do I upload it into the platform? (video)
What are the available promoting tools?
What banners do I need?
How do I upload a banner for my affiliate program? (video)
See more
8. Platform functionalities
How to use UTM parameters?
How do I block an IP for inbound traffic
What statistics can I see in 2Performant?
How to create lost orders?