Visualizando as comissões geradas pelos afiliados em sua conta de anunciante
To see what commissions your affiliates have generated, go to the Sales section of your advertiser account. There you will see all the commission and the value of sales made by each affiliate.
The status of a commission may be:
- Pending → affiliate commissions that are to be approved by you;
- Accepted → the approved commissions by you that are to be processed;
- Rejected → rejected commissions.
Next to each commission you will have several options:
- View Details → you can see detailed information about a certain transaction along with the clicks:
-> Information about a sale: date and hour of the sale, client IP, description of the sold product, total order value, commission ID and commission amount.
-> Information about the click: client IP, Referer, Redirect, Date and Time of the click, promotional tools used. - Edit → you can manually edit the value of a commission and you can also add details about the affiliate’s transaction.
- Send Message → send a direct message to a particular advertiser.
- Approve ( ✔) → accepting the commission amount.
- Reject ( ✖) → reject the commission amount.