2Performant Help Center
Go to 2performant.com
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
For Advertisers
1. First steps for beginners
2. Costs, payments and invoices
3. Relationship with Affiliates
4. About commissions
5. Improve your affiliate program
6. Means of promotion
7. Promoting Tools
8. Platform functionalities
For Affiliates
1. First steps for beginners
2. First Payment
3. About Commissions
4. Promoting Tools
5. Relationship with Advertisers
6. Means of Promoting
7. Platform Functionalities
8. Payments, bonuses and taxes
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
2. About 2Performant
3. Used terms
4. About Affiliate Marketing
Pentru afiliati
3. Despre comisioane
4. Unelte de promovare
5. Relatia cu advertiserii
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Functionalitati platforma
8. Plati, bonusuri si taxe
Pentru advertiseri
4. Despre comisioane
5. Imbunatatirea programului de afiliere
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Unelte de promovare
8. Functionalitati platforma
Tracking, marketing afiliat si termeni folositi
0. Big Bear
1. Despre sistemul de tracking 2Performant
2. Despre 2Performant
3. Termeni folositi
4. Despre marketingul afiliat
Back to home
2Performant Help Center
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
For Advertisers
1. First steps for beginners
2. Costs, payments and invoices
3. Relationship with Affiliates
4. About commissions
5. Improve your affiliate program
6. Means of promotion
7. Promoting Tools
8. Platform functionalities
For Affiliates
1. First steps for beginners
2. First Payment
3. About Commissions
4. Promoting Tools
5. Relationship with Advertisers
6. Means of Promoting
7. Platform Functionalities
8. Payments, bonuses and taxes
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
2. About 2Performant
3. Used terms
4. About Affiliate Marketing
Pentru afiliati
3. Despre comisioane
4. Unelte de promovare
5. Relatia cu advertiserii
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Functionalitati platforma
8. Plati, bonusuri si taxe
Pentru advertiseri
4. Despre comisioane
5. Imbunatatirea programului de afiliere
6. Modalitati de promovare
7. Unelte de promovare
8. Functionalitati platforma
Tracking, marketing afiliat si termeni folositi
0. Big Bear
1. Despre sistemul de tracking 2Performant
2. Despre 2Performant
3. Termeni folositi
4. Despre marketingul afiliat
Tracking, affiliate marketing and used terms
1. About the 2Performant tracking system
How does a 2Performant cookie work?
How does a 2Performant know which affiliate to pay for a conversion?
How does 2Performant track Internet transactions?
What happens if users have disabled the cookies?
2. About 2Performant
Who is behind 2Performant?
What is 2Performant?
3. Used terms
What is a POST PAID affiliate program?
What is a commission?
What is a PRE PAID affiliate program?
What is an advertiser?
What is an affiliate?
What is a user?
See more
4. About Affiliate Marketing
What is Conversion Rate?
What is Cookie Life?
What is CPA (Cost per Action)?
How does affiliate marketing work?
What is an affiliate marketing program?
See more